فارسی russia English
Today : 9/19/2024

Iran, India reach agreement on developing Chabahar port

Date : 1402/10/27

 Iranian Transport and Urban Development Minister Mehrdad Bazrpash and Indian Minister of External Affairs Subrahmanyam Jaishankar have reached a final agreement to develop Chabahar port in southeastern Iran.

Bazrpash met and held talks with Jaishankar in the Iranian capital city of Tehran on Monday.

Proposing the formation of a joint transportation committee to expand cooperation between the two countries, Bazrpash said that the formation of this working committee will enable the activation of transit capacities and the use of the North-South corridor.

The Indian foreign minister, for his part, expressed his country’s readiness for fresh investments in the fields of transportation and transit in Iran and invited Bazrpash to visit India.