فارسی russia English
Today : 9/19/2024

Minister terms Turkmenistan as Iran’s strategic partner

Date : 1402/8/30

The Iranian minister of roads and urban development has described Turkmenistan as a strategic partner for Iran and called for taking a key step towards further bilateral relations between the two countries.

Mehrdad Bazrpash made the remarks in a meeting held in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, on Friday with the host country’s President Serdar Berdimuhamedow.

In the meeting, Bazrpash elaborated on the “Iran Road Initiative" made by the current Iranian government.

As the minister said, the Iran Road Initiative lets the neighboring countries use Iran as a route or a solution that facilitates their access to the international waters.

He went on to say that Turkmenistan has a special position in the plan.

The Iran-Turkmenistan intergovernmental committee was held in Ashgabat on Friday with the participation of the Iranian minister of road and the Turkmen foreign minister.

The two countries are to sign several documents on cooperation at the closing ceremony of the joint meeting on Saturday.

Also, a specialized exhibition of the achievements of the Iranian companies called “Iran Project” opened in Turkmenistan’s capital on Friday.